Prosperity Indicators
HTML clipboard Sustainable prosperity includes individual, family and community economic development and success that support the stability of our daily living. Most people want to work at jobs that are meaningful and contribute to meeting their personal and family needs and desires. Most community basic services can only be met when the local economy is functioning well and growing. Prosperity is essential for all citizens who are willing to be part of the community’s economy.
- Median Income/Wages
- Indicator:
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- Per Capita Income
- Indicator: Per Capita Personal Income
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- Data Points: Per capita personal income for Leon County in 2009 was $34,925; for the State of Florida it was $36,611. In 2018, Leon County per capita income was $44,482: Florida was $50,070.
- Observations: Leon County per capita income has not kept up with the state growth. in 2009 income was 4.6 percent below the state. in 2018, it dripped to 11.1% less than the state.
- Date Posted: 9/15/2020
- Employment/Unemployment Rate
- Indicator:
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- Employment by Industry
- Technology Degrees
- Full vs. Part Time
- Sales Tax Collection
- School Funding
- Cost of Living
- Indicator:
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- Family Income
- Indicator:
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- Families in Poverty
- Indicator:
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- Children in Poverty
- Indicator:
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- Single parent Families
- Indicator:
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- Child Care Affordability
- Indicator:
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- Home Ownership
- Indicator: Home Ownership Rates
- Data Source:
- Data Points: Home ownership in Leon County dropped from a rate of 57.3 in 2009 to 54.1 in 2018. At the same time the Florida rate fell from 70.9 to 65.5.
- Observations: Leon County home ownership rate reflects a larger student population percentage than the state. Reduction in ownership state wide reflects both the increased cost of housing and lagging wages, made up somewhat by retirees moving into the state.
- Date Posted: 9/15/2020
- Average Home Price
- Indicator: Median sales price for single family homes
- Data Source: Tallahassee Board of Realtors MLS
- Data Points: The media sales price for single family detached homes in Leon County in 2010 was $180,270. By 2019 it had increased to $239,900. Over the same time period the State median home sale price went from $139,900 to $264,500.
- Observations: The sales price increase from 2010 was 33% for Leon County and almost 90% for the state of Florida. Both figures are moderated by the 10% drop in sales prices in Leon and 25% in Florida due to the 2008-09 recession and housing bubble. Considering those issues, Leon county’s prices rose significantly less than the state as a whole reflecting new home price increases especially in south and central Florida.
- Date Posted: 9/15/2020
- New Home Construction
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Supply
- Traffic/Commute
- Indicator: Average Commute Time
- Data Source: U.S. Census 2019
- Data Points: The average reported commute time from zip code 32309:
- Less than 15 minutes 5.7 percent
- 15-30 minutes 52.5 percent
- 30-45 minutes 35.2 percent
- 45-60 minutes 2.9 percent
- more than 1 hour 3.7 percent
- Observations: The vast majority of commuters (over 95%) from the heavily populated northeast of Leon County travel by car. As workplaces shift from downtown Tallahassee to Southwood and Summit East or other locals, commute times appear to remain under 45 minutes.
- Date Posted: 10/18/2020
- Mass Transportation Ridership
- Transportation Costs
- Airport Passengers